The new Advanced Analytics feature is here!
Actionable insights at your fingertips to help you get the most out of Salesmsg.
Overall Key Metrics
Understand how well your team is using Salesmsg. View response time, messaging and calling metrics all in one place. For deeper insights, simply click on any metric for a detailed dashboard!
Detailed Dashboards
Each key area of the platform now has a dedicated dashboard. This includes Conversations, Messages, Calling, Performance, Contacts and Conversions.
Agent Performance
Are you wondering how responsive your team is? The Performance dashboard will show you exactly that. View overall and individual performance metrics, and quickly identify improvement areas.
Flexible Visualizations
The visualizations in the new analytics dashboards are just awesome. You have total control over which metrics to display and can vary the time resolution from daily to annual with one click.
Drill Down Filters
No analytics feature is complete without the ability to drill down. Each dashboard comes with a set of filters that you can use to zero in on the most critical insights you are after
Email Analytics Report
To help you stay on top of your KPIs, we added the analytics email report. You can set the frequency of the report between daily, weekly and monthly based on your need.