Calls Logged in HubSpot Inbox "Calls"
Rosewood Hornet
As a Salesmsg user, I'd like the ability to have my calls log back to the HubSpot Inbox under "Calls", so that I can keep better track of any calls I missed, and who I need to reach back out to.
Created by Aida Keene
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in testing
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Merged in a post:
HubSpot Calls - Assign to User
Neutral Seahorse
As a HubSpot & Salesmsg user, I'd like to ensure all calls from Salesmsg are assigned/logged by the correct HubSpot user, just like we have with SMS today.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Callback a "missed call" or "voicemail" directly in Hubspot.
Khaki Pinniped
As a user, I want the ability to identify my missed calls and voicemails and directly dial out to those contacts in Hubspot.
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Hubspot's API does not support this as of now
Vanilla ice Grasshopper
Tawheed Al-towaitee I believe that is a different object than calls.. aircall logs calls/missed calls/voicemails into hubspot via api
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Vanilla ice Grasshopper Thank you for the clarification, I'll take this back to the team.
Mint Partridge
Same. We are finding that call analytics are not showing up in HubSpot as they normally do.
Alabaster Halibut