Migrating from ZipWhip? We've got a perfect tool for you!
Seamless Migration from ZipWhip
Zipwhip has been a great tool, but if you're ready to take the next step Salesmsg is here! With our automated migration tool, you can seamlessly migrate your Zipwhip account in minutes.
Conversations History
Bring all your and conversations history to Salesmsg and pickup exactly where you left off. The best part - your customers wont even notice!
Onboard Your Team in no Time
It doesn't matter if you have a small or large team—all users will be automatically invited to Salesmsg, and you will be able to track onboarding from a single Members dashboard.
Unlimited Keywords (Free!)
All your existing keywords will be created on Salesmsg when you migrate your account. From there, you can create as many Keywords as you want with no additional cost.
Templets = Saved Replies
All your Templates will be transferred too as Saved Replies in Salesmsg. However, with Salesmsg you can go a step further and customize your Saved Replies with contact properties, images, videos, more!
Saved Replies